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Did you know this about Forages

Are an economical source of nutrients for animal production, they also help conserve the soil integrity, health of the water supply and air quality.  Forage crops are recognized for their contribution to the environment, recreation and efficiency of meat and milk production.

Forages are required for livestock production and provide the majority of nutrients for all species. In many livestock operations, forages provide all the nutrients needed for maintaining the breeding female and producing the growing offspring except for mineral supplementation. A forage system may include pasture, hay, silage, crop residues or any combination of these. Grazing is the most economical method for harvesting forages, so well-managed pasture is a very important feed source. When sufficient forage is not available for grazing, cattle are fed stored forages such as hay or silage. Machine harvesting of forages for hay or silage adds expense, but also adds flexibility because harvested forages can be stored for later use or transported for feeding in other locations.

The local Forage Development and Grazing Management educational programs are outreach programs providing consultations, producer and enterprise needs assessments, workshops with the most up-to-date research on environmentally sustainable and economically feasible grazing management.  Our fencing and grazing schools offer hands-on learning experiences through field days, pasture walks, workshops, conferences, and farm visits.

Educational Opportunities

Many of these type opportunities are offered regularly over the course of the year, please contact us for more information and timing.

-          Establishing and Managing Pastures and Forages

-          Rotational Grazing Basics 101

-          Rotational Grazing the Next Step 201

-          Deep in Grazing Management workshop - A Three-Night Series to Better Understand Grazing Management

-          Stockpiling Forages

-          Managing Forages for Equine with “Higher Risk” or Nutritional Disorders

-          Forage/Grass Finishing Livestock

-          Fencing Schools

-          Silvopasture Production

-          Winter Forage and Grassland meetings

Additional Resources and topics are available, ask us for what you need.

For additional information, please contact:  

Bobby Clark